Wet Wednesday in Owosso
Good Morning Off friends
Today is my 62 birthday. I start getting Social security benefits next month. So can someone tell me why I am completely loco having 6 children under 4 in my home! This is total chaos! I sometimes feel like one of those cartoon crazy folk spinning out of control!! I still have the terrorist tots, that story is winding down and they will be going on to a permanent home in a couple weeks with an uncle of dads, Christian farmer who will raise these adorable little terrorists up to be fine men. Weve been to farm with the boys couple times they love it! Moms rights were permanently revolked so she is done and rest of those after custody of the boys money are out. I have 11 mo old twin girls for a few weeks as parents were in accident and cant take care of them right now another month with them I believe. Simple care case no drama which is good. Last child is almost 4 yr old of young mother who moved in with us short time ago after being evicted through no fault of her own then she got a full time job so I care for the boy days and she helps me with the other 5 monsters at night, I am totally insane to be doing this!!!!
We are also trying to remodel our motorhome anyone ever try to replace flooring with the enthusiastic help of 6 workmen under 3' tall? oh the fun of it!!!
Its storming here in mi today been thunder booming and lightening since 430 nothing scary yet but loud noise.
Hope you all have a great day Im off to find some caffeine and work on flooring while have a helper to sit on babies for an hr! oops that should be babysit!!
prayers for all friends here
You sure have a lot on your plate with all those kiddos which speaks to what a big heart you have. Bless you.
Waiting for hubby's migraine to abate so we can go pick up my MILs things. Won't be easy to do, I'm sure.
In the plus column for today is the fact that the weather is beautiful.
Hope everyone has a good day today.
Cindy P.
Happy, happy birthday Jo! The weather sure has changed for you since posting huh. I don't know how you do it but, doing it is what makes you able to.
I had to reschedule the repairman for the air due to the storms. That means sitting here all day tomorrow too.
I have been watching the storms as the kids and grandkids are in the hometown parade today.
Good afternoon Jo and everyone.....
I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
I really don't know how you do it with all those little ones. My nerves couldn't take it anymore. I hope when they go that you take sometime for you!!!!! Keep safe from the storms!! LOL...sit on!!!
As for me....I went grocery shopping this morning. The little bus picks us up, packs our food at the store, and then brings us home again. We all have our little grocery carts....LOL...I am getting old!!
Nothing else planned for today....just more of the same. I tried to take a nap but my legs were so restless. I had to give up on that idea!!
We are expecting more rain and storms this evening. I will sit in here, relax and watch the clouds go by.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day!! Keep safe if you are in the storm areas.
Prayers for our amazing OFF family.
Love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Oh my goodness John Happy Birthday!!!!! I'm sitting in my car waiting for the stupid rain to quit!!!!! I think it is raining thru out the whole country!!!!!
Cindy my heart goes out to you and c your family on the loss of your mother in kaw.
We are leaving for Chicago either tomorrow or Friday or when ever I get my act together!
IT IS Vinnie time!!!!!